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Miniaturka MTV
Cezary Pazura (XI Sopocka Noc Kabaretowa)
Oglądaj wideo Cezary Pazura (XI Sopocka Noc Kabaretowa) przesłane przez mental2009 na Dailymotion.
okejki 9 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Eye Tracking Cristiano Ronaldo
Recently Acuity ETS had the chance to eye track Cristiano Ronaldo, using the advanced wireless eye tracker - Dikablis, from Ergoneers, we took a look into the mind of the world's most expensive footballer! Unfortunately time constraints stopped us from combining the power of eye tracking with the Vicon motion capture system also used to test out Ronaldo - but watch this space! (…)
okejki 18 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Tomorrowland inside
The best party ever (354x oglądano na YT)
przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
The Requiem
Zalecam oglądać na słuchawkach.
przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Funny Football Moments - Fails, Bloopers (Cr7,Messi,Suarez,Ibra,Neymar,Bale)| Season 2013-2014 HD
This video was created in collaboration with my girlfriend, who was the one who gave me the great idea, hope you like it ► FACEBOOK: ►TWITTER: Suscribe: TAGS: Real madrid Atletico Madrid 4-1 Goles Resumen HD Champions League 2014 Real madri(…)
okejki 4 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
A Funny Montage (Prankster)
Here is a compilation of the funniest scenes from all the videos I've filmed over the years. Enjoy! Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Comedy/Skit/Challenge Channel - Gaming Channel -…)
okejki 6 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
brawurowa interwencja tarnowskiej policji tarnow ul.jasminowa
Interwencje (214 848x oglądano na YT)
okejki 8 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Son Attacks His Moms Killer In Court
Visit The victims son stands behind his moms killer in court, and he wants payback. (4 887 927x oglądano na YT)
okejki 13 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Whistler Heli Skiing Go Pro Helmet Cam 02/22/11
One of the eight runs of our day in Whistler's backcountry. Unbelievable experience, this clip doesn't even come close to doing it justice. The guide warned us about icewall crevasses along the left side of the run and it didn't remind me of 127 hours at all. Music is property of Deadmau5 and UltraRecords (148 273x oglądano na YT)
okejki 3 · przed dinozaurami
Miniaturka MTV
Air Ambulance crashes in Iceland
Shocking footage of an Air Ambulance crashing into a drag strip near Akureyri Airport, in Iceland (195x oglądano na YT)
okejki 20 · przed dinozaurami