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Forum > English Jokes > money, champagne...
marysia2507 - Superbojowniczka · przed dinozaurami
American, Frenchman and Englishman and Pakistani all on top off Eiffel Tower. American throws a load of money over the edge. "What did you do that for?" the others ask. "We have so much money in States that I can afford that."
The Frenchman throws loads of bottles of champagne over the top. "What did you do that for?" the others ask. "We have so much champagne here that I can throw as much as i like over."
The Pakistani looks at the Englishman and says: "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!"

life is such a chore when it's boring


"Czujesz to? To beton, synku. Nic na świecie tak nie pachnie."

kolleck - Superbojownik · przed dinozaurami

Wszystkich praca uszlachetnia, a mnie tylko męczy...

filonpl - Superbojownik · przed dinozaurami


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Forum > English Jokes > money, champagne...
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