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Vertically, the map distinguishes between countries where it is highly haram to show emotions during business proceedings (Japan being the prime example) and countries where emotions are an accepted part of il commercio (yes, Italians are emotional extroverts — also in business).
The horizontal axis differentiates countries with a very confrontational negotiating style — think heated arguments and slammed doors — from places where decorum is the alpha and omega of commercial dealings. For an extreme example of the former, try trading with an Israeli company. For the latter, I refer you to those personable but (apparently also) persnickety Filipinos.

Dobra, dobra. Chwila. Chcesz sobie skomentować lub ocenić komentujących?

Zaloguj się lub zarejestruj jako nieustraszony bojownik walczący z powagą

Dodatkowe informacje
Plik: f9ad901Diagram_Business_Neg
Rozmiar: 1308x699, 224 kB
Wyświetleń: 1066
Ulubione dla 2 osób
Dodano: 2016-01-10 14:12:45
Status: Publiczny
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