Nie moje. Moja jest odpowiedź skasowana razem z kolejnym kontem. answerIf the whole cosmology thinks, that the further away, the older the universe is - even if only in our reference frame, then the logic is gone. Cosmological time flows everywhere and the universe age is the same everywhere. If we can't agree on that, then the questions on top of that can't be answered properly.
No, more distant galaxies do not move faster with respect to CMB, because it's also almost uniform energy density, almost the same for every observer in the universe if we neglect the effect of their peculiar velocity.
Try to fight with the lack of basic logic for one day, you'll see what kind of torment that is.
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What we see is not what is there in our cosmological time. You don't need causal relation and the light travel between two distant points of the universe to conclude that it's the same based on the cosmological principle. Cosmological time is totally physical and the Big Bang wasn't on tuesday. Friedmann's scale factor function of time tells you that.
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At this point I'm actually asking moderator(s) to protect my answer from cancel culture missing basic logic.
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