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Sabine od serca
12 sierpnia 2024
The other thing that happened was that the more I saw of the foundations of physics, the more I became convinced that most of the research there wasn’t based on sound scientific principles. I know this sounds wild, like I’m the crank next door on YouTube. And maybe that’s what I am. But I like to think that my argument was and still is very academic. I never intended it to be offensive. I just explained why thinking up new particles isn’t a good strategy for progress in physics, and why that had gotten an entire disciple stuck. And naïve as I was, I expected physicists to think about it. I expected rational debate. But that never came. No one was interested. No one is interested. They were interested in writing more papers. And that’s what they need all these particles and other wild ideas for. To write papers. To get grants. To get postdocs. To write more papers. And round and round it goes.
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