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Ban na redditowej fizyce za cudze obelgi

24 lipca 2024
You may have got a terribly wrong (google) translation of the title. "Ban na redditowej fizyce za cudze obelgi" DOES NOT mean Banned from Reddit Physics for insulting others, it means I was banned for their insults that were attributed to me and for being insulted myself. Google translator did the same to me what Reddit did.

-Piss off
-I'm not reporting it, am I not merciful?
-[I DON'T REMEMBER THE EXACT PHRASE, THE MEANING IS IDENTICAL] Stop bothering the world and adjust your mindset to it.
-You're out of luck. That's the only time, when the world has to adjust to my mindset.

-What is this delusion we're currently looking at?
-the one you can clearly see



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